From Newsbin
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Load NZB
This opens a standard Windows File Open Dialog. Use this to browse to select nzb files to load into NewsBin Pro. You can also select "All Files (*.*)" if you have a zip, rar, or .gz file containing nzb.
Save your settings after making changes. Newsbin does automatically save all setting changes when you exit.
Updates headers for all the checked groups in the groups tab. If headers have never been updated, the Download Age setting under Options/Setup will be used to limit the amount of headers downloaded. For each group that has previously been accessed, only new headers that have arrived on the server since the last time you checked will be downloaded.
Pause Newsbin from downloading any more articles or headers. Currently active header downloads will continue until complete. When Pause is enabled, no new downloads queued in the Download list will start. On the Buttons toolbar, the label changes to indicate Paused or Running. The Small and Big icon toolbars show the Pause icon depressed. NewsBin also Highlights the Download Speed in Red on the Status Bar when Downloading is Paused.
Options->Network has a "timeout" setting to resume downloading after X minutes.
Speed Limiter
Toggles ON/OFF the settings from Options->Network to slow downloading. On the Buttons toolbar, the label changes to indicate Speed Limit or Full Speed. The Small and Big icon toolbars show the Speed Limit icon depressed. NewsBin also Highlights the Download Speed in Yellow on the Status Bar when Downloading Speed is Limited.
Options->Network also has a "timeout" setting to resume Full-Speed after X minutes.
Opens the Search tab for searching local headers and internet.
Opens the Options window used to customize Newsbin Pro.
Opens the Filters window used to create custom Filter Profiles.
Opens the Server Options window.
NewsBin Recommended News Services Possible list of ISP Usenet servers
Add Groups
Opens the Add Groups window to add and remove groups in the groups tab.