From Newsbin
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Status Bar
The Status bar tracks various things that Newsbin is doing.
Reports total bytes downloaded with Newsbin. Include header downloads. You can reset the odometer under the Utilities menu.
The odometer area also shows information while selecting items for download. It shows the number of items selected and the total size in bytes represented. For example "Sel: 0006 Size: 1.5MB" means that 6 items are selected totaling 1.5MB in size.
Download Speed
Reports the same download speed in two different ways. One is in bits per second (lower case "b") and the other in bytes per second (upper case "B")
The text has different background colors:
- Blue/Standard when running at full speed
- Yellow when the speed limiter is turned on
- Red when paused
You want to keep an eye out for the last two in case you have inadvertently set the Speed limiter or Paused downloading.
Session Odometer
Reports amount of data in bytes downloaded in this session.
Bytes to Download
Shows total bytes queued in the download list and it counts down as items are downloaded
Time to Completion
Estimates amount of time left to complete downloads based on current datarate
Disk Space
Shows amount of free space available on the drives where the Data folder is located and the drive where the Download folder is located. The value for the Data folder is the one preceded by Data:, while that for the Download drive is preceded by Download:. These numbers will both be the same if these folders are on the same drive.